Let's Make History Together
Our goals for The Eleanor Roosevelt School:
The primary function of The Eleanor Roosevelt School will be to serve as anational museum. The museum will feature commissioned artwork and displayartwork that reflects the school and the mission of Eleanor Roosevelt, Franklin D.Roosevelt, Booker T. Washington, and Julius Rosenwald.
FLOTUS/Victory Garden
The Eleanor Roosevelt School will have two gardens, The First Lady of theUnited States (FLOTUS) garden and The Victory Garden. The FLOTUS gardenis dedicated to all past, current, and future FLOTUS of the USA. The FLOTUSGarden will feature plants with symbolic meanings to each First Lady. TheVictory Garden will serve as a vehicle to teach visitors how to produce theirself-sustaining garden, and we will provide a Victory Garden kit to visitors.
History and Storytelling
When visiting The Eleanor Roosevelt School, museum attendees will experienceRosenwald Schools' alumni presenting authentic stories and memories from theirtime at the school. Future state storytelling will also include paid actorsrepresenting Franklin Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Booker T. Washington, andJulius Rosenwald Impersonators and holograms.
Hydroponics/Aquaponics Systems Learning Modules
The Secondary building will feature a Hydroponics/Aquaponics System that willserve as a training tool for visitors. We will teach the visitors how these systemsfunction and their unique environmental benefits. The training tool will alsointroduce our course that we will offer to teach and provide at K-12 schools.
Weekly/biweekly/Monthly Themes
Each week or bi-weekly, there will be a new theme taught in a room of the mainbuilding. We will organize and schedule new innovators to be keynote speakersperiodically. These themes will include, but not limited to:■ Firearm safety■ Community Safety and Issues■ Community and police relationship building■ Dance/Yoga■ Children activities■ Back to School supplies give away■ Town Hall Meetings
Community Outreach
We understand that this school belongs to the community of Warm Springs. Asstewards of this building, we dedicate ourselves to ensuring we utilize the schoolto help build relationships within the community. We will volunteer once a yearfor our services and use of the school in some capacity to provide a day ofcelebration for the city and community
Weddings and Events
The Eleanor Roosevelt School is a site where events, such as but not limited to weddings, graduations, proms, and music events, will take place. School field trips andother organizational group visits will also take place at The Eleanor Roosevelt School..
Global Cultural Center
As a cultural center, we plan to display items related to The Eleanor Roosevelt School and other Rosenwald Schools. As you walk through both buildings in Warm Springs, we want the story of the Rosenwald Schools to resonate with everyone. We will acquire these pictures and artifacts via alumni, other museums, and online for display.
Rosenwald Schools’ Gatekeeper
Working with Fisk university, we will house a database that contains information on all Rosenwald schools and buildings. Visitors will have an opportunity to use the database and search for schools that may no longer be standing or repurposed.
To donate to the Eleanor Roosevelt School, Scan the QR Code All donations will be accepted by The Neighbors of the Eleanor Roosevelt School (Non-Profit Organization) If you do not have Paypal, Please fill out the requested information and click the Support button below. Someone from the ERSO team will follow up with you to complete donation.