Photo Gallery
Little White House Presentation Feb 2024
Ground Breaking Ceremony
United States Senator Raphael Warnock and Eleanor Roosevelt School Owner Debron Walker
Eleanor Roosevelt School Works with The Little White House toCelebrate Black History Month
ERSO Project
The E.R.S.O Team Presents Bodyswaps
Brennen Francois: Augusta University Health's Chief Diversity Officer
Debron Walker: Eleanor Roosevelt School Co-Owner
Dr. Otha Thornton: President of the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
The Little White House
Fort Valley State University (DOAR) Edward L. Boston and Debron Walker
Eleanor Roosevelt School’s Analytics Director Javon Brodwater and Research DirectorDenitrie Tisdale with GA House Representative (D) Debbie Buckner of District 137
Presentation at the Kiwanis Club With Lagrange Chapter President and Member Lonona Jones, Chair, Boardof Directors of the Calment Park, Neighborhood Association Inc. Lagrange GA.
Meriwether County Rotary Club (D.Walker)
D. Walker and Brenda Williams Outreach Director, Southwest.
Co-Owners Debron and Voncher Walker
Andrew Feiler, Voncher Walker. National Center for Civil and Human Rights
Voncher Walker, National Center forCivil and Human Rights, on site for theLaunching of Andrew Felier’s “A Better Lifefor their Children” Exhbit featuring theEleanor Roosevelt School
Voncher Walker
Eleanor Roosevelt Schools Co-Owner Voncher Walker and Analytics Director Javon Broadwater
Keeping Meriwether Beautiful! Eleanor Roosevelt School Community Clean Up Day.
Debron Walker and Javon Broadwater visit North Carolina A&T University and pose with the Greensboro Four.
Preserve History, Ignite Change: Support Restoring The Eleanor Roosevelt School
To donate to the Eleanor Roosevelt School, Scan the QR CodeAll donations will be accepted by The Neighbors of the Eleanor Roosevelt School (Non-Profit Organization)
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